Checklist for Preparing Course Syllabi

There are several sources for requirements and suggestions for creating strong course syllabi.

  1. The Course Outline, previously approved at the university level, is the starting place for creating an individualized course syllabus. It provides the framework, standards, objectives, illustrative activities, and required assessments for all sections of the course. This document is on file in the departmental office.
  2. Current Curriculum standards established by state and national professional organizations should be reviewed in order to update the standards and course objectives to be listed in the syllabus. Often the official Course Outline may be out of date in terms of the latest standards alignment. Links to professional organizations can be found in the College Faculty Handbook.
  3. SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), the accrediting organization for the University, requires syllabi to have the following elements:
  • Goals or objectives for student learning outcomes
  • Requirements for the course
  • Course content
  • Methods of evaluation
  1. UNC Charlotte requirements and suggested language for course policies can be found on the UNC Charlotte Office of Legal Affairs website. These include:
  • Providing each student with a detailed syllabus at the beginning of the course
  • Objectives
  • Outline of the course content
  • Assignments
  • Evaluation and grading policy
  • Detailed differences between undergraduate and graduate requirement for co-listed courses
  • Textbook, materials, bibliography
  • Class attendance and other policies
  • Specific reference to Code of Student Academic Integrity
  1. Additional College of Education requirements and syllabus inserts can be found in the Faculty Handbook. These include:
  • Instructor contact information: name, office location, office hours, phone, email, and current semester.
  • The Catalog description of the course
  • Alignment with the approved Course Outline
  • Alignment of objectives and student learning outcomes with the Professional Education Conceptual Framework and Specialized Professional Association (SPA)
  • Assessments and rubrics required for the College Assessment Plan
  • Calendar outlining due dates for key topics, activities, assignments, clinicals, tests, etc.
  • Final Exam date and time (often not the regular class time or day)
  • Inclement weather policy
  • Diversity Commitment statement
  • Technology statement
  • Religious and disability accommodations
  • Student course evaluation process and confidentiality
  • Credit hour statement
  • Other policies and procedures as established by the instructor